Search Results for religion,2024:/mt//feed/religion 2024-05-03T08:58:08Z Movable Type 4.21-en 12 1 12 Links and Minifeatures 07 07 Saturday,2007:/~searchli//3.2854 2007-07-08T00:50:41Z 2007-09-27T23:05:58Z Dan Melson One of the giants of the twentieth century would have been 100 today - July 7, 1907 Robert Heinlein was born. You are missed, sir. ********** Why do terrorists attack Britain time and again? ********** Pope eases use of... Just Because You Don't Believe In an Anthropomorphic Deity Doesn't Mean You're Not Religious,2007:/~searchli//3.2595 2007-01-09T07:10:51Z 2007-09-22T19:48:55Z Dan Melson Atheists challenge the religious right "I am attacking God, all gods, anything and everything supernatural, wherever and whenever they have been or will be invented," declares Dr. Dawkins, the famed Oxford professor who wrote "The Selfish Gene." These offerings are... On the Pope Saying Islam is Violent,2006:/~searchli//3.2419 2006-09-16T01:36:35Z 2007-09-20T04:12:11Z Dan Melson Fury Over Pope's Remarks Raises Concerns Pakistan's legislature unanimously condemned Pope Benedict XVI. Lebanon's top Shiite cleric demanded an apology. And in Turkey, the ruling party likened the pontiff to Hitler and Mussolini and accused him of reviving the mentality... Developments in the Middle East (July 27th),2006:/~searchli//3.2342 2006-07-28T04:13:29Z 2007-09-18T03:56:46Z Dan Melson Al-Qaida calls for holy war against Israel. This is not the first time Moslems have called for holy war against Israel. This is not even the first time they have been frank about their aims: al-Qaida now views "all the... Failures of Imagination?,2006:/~searchli//3.2271 2006-06-05T20:00:59Z 2007-09-16T19:54:44Z Dan Melson I recently discovered the film Secondhand Lions. Robert Duvall, Michael Caine, and Haley Joel Osmont. Beautiful tightly plotted movie, highly recommended, and if it hadn't been up against Return Of The King it might have won Best Picture. Robert Duvall... Links and Minifeatures 03 23 Thursday,2006:/~searchli//3.2178 2006-03-24T00:36:46Z 2007-09-15T03:58:33Z Dan Melson Think of the history he lived through! Kolkata tortoise, Clive's pet, dies at 250 years. Here's a biography of his first owner, Robert Clive, who was one of the reasons the British conquered India instead of the French. The Plassey... The Manifesto in Defiance of Islamism,2006:/~searchli//3.2148 2006-03-02T02:05:46Z 2007-09-15T02:50:40Z Dan Melson Stop the ACLU has an open letter (and open trackback) on opposition to Islamism. Among many other online sites, they print the following manifesto: Together facing the new totalitarianism After having overcome fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism, the world now... Links and Minifeatures 02 09 Thursday,2006:/~searchli//3.2122 2006-02-10T01:03:47Z 2007-09-13T22:26:36Z Dan Melson Carnival of the Vanities is up. ********** Social Security Choice writes some more about a great article he found at Students for Saving Social Security. The train wreck is coming, and for anybody sixty and below (at least), you can... Jihad versus Hirabah,2006:/~searchli//3.2060 2006-01-01T22:05:25Z 2007-09-11T23:54:32Z Dan Melson Enrevanche sent me an email about a Chapomatic article and his own response on the distinction between Jihad (or "holy war", a name for war in the name of religion), and hirabah, which to quote The term hirabah refers to... atheism vs Atheism,2005:/~searchli//3.1903 2005-08-26T20:01:23Z 2007-09-10T03:06:01Z Dan Melson Many people get confused between small 'a' atheism and Atheism. atheists (small a) do not believe in the divine. Even as a non-christian, I may have an opinion that believes they are being willfully blind, but that's okay. Turn it... Islam, Historical Christianity, and Reform,2005:/~searchli//3.1831 2005-07-18T13:01:45Z 2007-09-09T18:34:10Z Dan Melson Done With Mirrors had a post that gave me the idea for this, and alerted me to an excellent article illuminating the subject at Donklephant I want to compare and contrast the history of Islam with that of Christianity. Christianity... Today's Links 2005 07 06 Wednesday,2005:/~searchli//3.1808 2005-07-06T20:55:51Z 2007-09-09T05:13:51Z Dan Melson Don't forget to send me your submissions for the next Carnival of Liberty! ********** Unrepentant Individual has a post on another Kelo problem. This seems punitive to me. Were it a criminal activity to opposed the city through the courts,...