Search Results for affimative action,2024:/mt//feed/affimative action 2024-05-03T09:38:45Z Movable Type 4.21-en 2 1 2 Links and Minifeatures 02 02 Groundhog Thursday,2006:/~searchli//3.2111 2006-02-03T04:23:09Z 2007-09-13T22:02:34Z Dan Melson Diminishing Returns has an excellent post on the state of the educational system. ********** Boxing Alcibiades has a worthwhile "finger in the tyrants eye" idea: Volunteer so anyone in a strongly censored country can email him a request for... John Roberts, the Supreme Court, and Affirmative Action,2005:/~searchli//3.1868 2005-08-04T22:49:06Z 2007-09-10T01:22:12Z Dan Melson There's really not a lot of new stuff except for tail chasing, but I found a couple of things. dKosopedia's entry on John Roberts is surprisingly factual and readable. I knew it was too good to be true department: Michelle...