Search Results for market,2024:/mt//feed/market 2024-05-02T00:10:30Z Movable Type 4.21-en 488 1 488 Excerpt from What Consumers Need To Know About Buying Real Estate,2023://4.5517 2023-11-13T15:00:00Z 2023-11-13T14:23:58Z Dan Melson On Getting Rich Quick in Real Estate I keep running into people who paid money for a get rich quick seminar and are looking to buy property for zero down and immediately sell it for a $50,000 profit. Somebody With... First Draft Excerpt from Gifts of the Mother,2022://4.5403 2022-01-31T15:00:00Z 2022-01-31T00:49:58Z Dan Melson There is a point near Castaic where the Grapevine starts to climb steeply. No problem for my Porsche, but semis and other heavy vehicles can't climb the hill at freeway speed, the north- and south-bound lanes actually pass over and... Excerpt from Preparing the Ground,2022://4.5401 2022-01-04T15:00:00Z 2022-01-04T05:25:10Z Dan Melson This series will be completed with the release of Moving The Pieces. ***** "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain (roughly 120,000 years after... First Draft Excerpt from Gifts of the Mother,2021://4.5396 2021-12-13T16:41:03Z 2021-12-13T16:51:12Z Dan Melson It still lacked a couple minutes of ten when I arrived at my office, whistling tunelessly. RaDonna was nowhere in sight; I asked the receptionist - Dolores - to let her know I was in, and went back to check... The End of Childhood and Moving The Pieces,2021://4.5389 2021-11-08T03:18:34Z 2021-11-08T03:20:46Z Dan Melson Both are finished and ready for publication. This time, I'm going to try a coherent marketing plan and hopefully boost sales. To that end, if you're interested in an Advance review copy, let me know.... Economics and Resources and Scarcity,2019://4.5280 2019-09-03T16:02:46Z 2019-09-03T12:59:30Z Dan Melson I just got done reading a bad science fiction novel. Part of the reason it was bad was because the author did not understand economics, being so eager to mock capitalism that he got caught up in things that capitalism... Excerpt from Building the People (Preparations for War, Book Two),2017://4.5202 2018-01-01T00:27:01Z 2018-01-01T00:40:55Z Dan Melson Amazon Page Link We landed and the pilot popped the forward hatch. We thanked the pilot on the way out. Once on the tarmac, we accessed the base computer. As expected, now that our contract had expired the only... Review: Schooled in Magic by Christopher Nuttall (Spoiler free),2017://4.5173 2017-09-23T01:07:50Z 2017-09-23T01:50:26Z Dan Melson The Set-Up This is evidently the first in a series. Emily is kidnapped from our Earth (or a reasonable facsimile) by a necromancer in order to sacrifice her to the dark powers because she is a Child of Destiny. She's... Prime Day: Amazon Prime Gets 40% off all my books in Kindle format!,2017://4.5164 2017-07-11T19:49:37Z 2017-07-11T20:15:08Z Dan Melson Today only! Prime customers get 40% off all kindle books! Not that $2.99 regular price isn't a great bargain, but if you're a Prime customer, what are you waiting for? Kusaan del. It means 'finger of fate'. When it points... Amazon Christmas Kindle Deals,2016://4.5153 2016-12-19T21:51:44Z 2016-12-19T21:52:08Z Dan Melson This is the first time I have ever put these books on sale. It may be the last. Starting 8 AM Tuesday, December 20th through 8 AM Saturday, December 24th, the Kindle editions of both "What Consumers Need to Know... New Consumer Article: Changes In The Mortgage Market And Transparency Since 2005,2009://4.4873 2009-10-28T14:20:00Z 2009-10-28T14:17:04Z Dan Melson It's been a while because I've been both busy and depressed over dis-improvements in the market and their effects upon consumers, but yesterday I found time to write a new article Changes In The Mortgage Market And Transparency Since 2005.... New HOMESTEPS Property List October 22nd, 2009,2009://4.4866 2009-10-22T23:00:00Z 2009-10-22T23:00:08Z Dan Melson This is the new list of HOMESTEPS properties from Freddie Mac for the areas I specialize in. These properties qualify for special financing. I can get the list for other areas. Be aware that Freddie Mac does not remove... New HOMESTEPS Property List September 10th, 2009,2009://4.4849 2009-09-18T19:30:00Z 2009-09-18T19:30:18Z Dan Melson This is the new list of HOMESTEPS properties from Freddie Mac for the areas I specialize in. These properties qualify for special financing. I can get the list for other areas. Be aware that Freddie Mac does not remove... New HOMESTEPS Property List September 10th, 2009,2009://4.4844 2009-09-11T14:00:00Z 2009-09-11T13:50:04Z Dan Melson This is the new list of HOMESTEPS properties from Freddie Mac for the areas I specialize in. These properties qualify for special financing. I can get the list for other areas. Be aware that Freddie Mac does not remove... New HOMESTEPS Property List August 27th, 2009,2009://4.4833 2009-08-27T18:40:00Z 2009-08-27T18:38:15Z Dan Melson This is the new list of HOMESTEPS properties from Freddie Mac for the areas I specialize in. These properties qualify for special financing. I can get the list for other areas. Be aware that Freddie Mac does not remove... New HOMESTEPS Property List August 13th, 2009,2009://4.4827 2009-08-14T15:20:00Z 2009-08-14T15:18:09Z Dan Melson This is the new list of HOMESTEPS properties from Freddie Mac for the areas I specialize in. These properties qualify for special financing. I can get the list for other areas. Be aware that Freddie Mac does not remove... New HOMESTEPS Property List August 6th, 2009,2009://4.4821 2009-08-07T00:40:09Z 2009-08-07T00:46:30Z Dan Melson This is the new list of HOMESTEPS properties from Freddie Mac for the areas I specialize in. These properties qualify for special financing. I can get the list for other areas. Be aware that Freddie Mac does not remove... New Consumer Article: State of The San Diego Real Estate Market August 2009,2009://4.4817 2009-08-04T21:00:00Z 2009-08-04T21:04:17Z Dan Melson The new consumer article for today is State of The San Diego Real Estate Market August 2009 I've been letting this website go for a couple weeks. I'm now in a position to pay a little more attention to it,... New HOMESTEPS Property List July 16th, 2009,2009://4.4804 2009-07-18T00:46:43Z 2009-07-18T00:50:14Z Dan Melson This is the new list of HOMESTEPS properties from Freddie Mac for the areas I specialize in. These properties qualify for special financing. I can get the list for other areas. I also have a list of upcoming HOMESTEPS... New HOMESTEPS Property List July 9th, 2009,2009://4.4795 2009-07-09T14:00:00Z 2009-07-09T13:55:04Z Dan Melson This is the new list of HOMESTEPS properties from Freddie Mac for the areas I specialize in. These properties qualify for special financing. I can get the list for other areas. I also have a list of upcoming HOMESTEPS...