Entries from Searchlight Crusade tagged with 'practices'

Can You Get A Mortgage On a Condemned House?

The answer is a modified no. The same answer applies to property that is only structurally damaged, but not condemned. That condemnation is a matter of public record. I've seen any number of them while perusing title records. It shows...

Lenders Adding A Prepayment Penalty After Funding

I recently closed a mortgage loan. The loan officer told me there would be no prepayment penalty. When the documents came there was none and the loan funded and closed. Two weeks later I got an e-mail stating some...

How Loan Providers Make Money

In an attempt to debunk some of the slanders that are floating around out there, this article is an itemization of how lenders and brokers make money on loans. The first method is obvious: Origination or discount points charged to...

Translation: Salesgoodspeakian to English

It may not come as a shock to you, but loan officers, along with many other salesfolk, speak a different language than the rest of the population. What will probably annoy you, however, is the number of times they'll say...

Why Do Lenders Sell Mortgages?

When and Why does a Mortgage Company Sell your Current Loan to another Mortgage Company? Lenders sell their loans because the lender can make an immediate premium of anywhere from 1.5 percent to four percent by selling your loan...

Real Estate and the Tale of Aesop's Dog (Greed Envy)

At a very young age, my parents bought me a book of Aesop's Tales. Aesop has gone out of style, probably because these are stories with a moral lesson, and it seems the modern society is actively averse to moral...

Automated Underwriting In Pre-Qualification or Pre-Approval Letters

It has become a trend for real estate agents who think they're being "smart" to require an automated underwriting approval. These are automated underwriting programs from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac saying that Fannie or Freddie will buy the...

Buying Without An Agent - My Own Experience

I had the idea for this article some time ago. It took me a long time to decide to share it publicly, because quite frankly, knowing what I know now, I was an idiot. I was still young enough to...

Asking Price Versus Sales Price

Hard as it may be to believe, I've never done an article comparing asking price to sales price. It's way past time. Asking price is quite simply, a written representation of an offer the seller would be willing to...

Assuming Seller Concessions On Loan Quotes

I recently received an email asking about a Good Faith Estimate on a $200k loan. The person asking my opinion attached the actual "estimate" to the email. In addition to a point of origination and a point of discount...

How to Avoid A Repeat of the Housing Market Mess

Scapegoating mortgage brokers or anyone else is not the answer, nor is prohibiting yield spread. We've been here before (in the early 1990s), congress did something remarkably similar except a little bit more sane. It didn't work then. Why would...

Working with Multiple Agents While Searching for a Purchase

If you have three real estate companies sending you emails with multi-listings, if you want to see one of the properties, who gets the commission? There five properties that I want to see the inside of the houses. Company A,...

The Loan Shopping Koan

It's very easy for loan providers to talk about a much better loan when you're shopping than they have any intention of delivering. Then you give them thirty to sixty days after you sign up, and you're put into a...

How To Keep Listing Agents From Filtering Out Offers

This is a real, major and pervasive problem in the industry. For a while, it mostly went away as listing agents were desperate for any offer, but it has come back. At least two properties my buyer clients have...

Short Sale Negotiators and the Interests of Potential Buyers

I am seeing a very disturbing trend these past few months. Rather than do the work they should be doing, listing agents are treating the entire short sale process as a kind of "Black Box", delegating the negotiations with the...

They Told Me Not To Make My Loan Payment

I've heard this story, in all of its variations, at least hundreds of times. Someone will send me an email and say "They told me not to make my loan payment because I was going to skip one. So...

Don't Rely On Reputation - There Are No Silver Bullets

On a regular basis, I get emails that ask me what I think of a particular company. When I check out public forums, I see questions about particular companies every time. "What do you think of X Realty, or Y...

I'm Competing Against Multiple Offers. How Do I Proceed?

The first thing to consider is that maybe you shouldn't. You never want to get involved in a bidding war. There's a classic riddle I ask every single one of my buyer clients at least once. "How often does...

Restricted Sale Property: Very Difficult to Find A Loan (Even harder to find a good one)

This is a warning to those who purchase restricted sale property. I've gotten a couple of calls for refinancing these in the past couple months, and I've never covered this subject. A restricted sale property is one where the...

You Want an Agent That Can Pay ENOUGH Attention to YOU

A lot of advice gets given to choose a "top producing" agent. These highly corporate offices may have the name of an individual agent attached to them, but they are in fact transaction mills. They have done pretty well for...