Entries from Searchlight Crusade tagged with 'cash'

Mortgages and Reverse Mortgages (RAMs) after Retirement

"Should People in their sixties take out a mortgage?" The short answer is "Not if you don't have to." Now if I suddenly vanish, the explanation will be that the loan industry put a contract out on me. Success...

Facts Of Life On Buying and Selling "Without an Agent"

I saw your article on on Searchlight Crusade about exclusive buyers agents and I have a couple follow up questions pertaining to my own situation that I am hoping you could shed some light on. I don't have any...

Impound Accounts Facts and FAQs

I've seen a fair number of questions on impound accounts in the last several months. An impound account, also known by the confusing term escrow account because the lender is holding it in escrow, is money that you give the...

Undisclosed Short Sales

What happens if a home you signed to purchase goes into foreclosure before the closing date? We were supposed to close on a home four months ago. On the day of closing we get a call from the seller's...

Should I Buy A Home? Part 1: Preparation

I am considering buying a home, although I have not made up my mind on the subject. This is not due to indecision, but rather due to a lack of necessary information. There are many factors to be considered...

Why Do I Have to Pay For The Appraisal When I Canceled Escrow?

I got an ill-mannered complaint email about how an evil loan officer from another company ordered the appraisal without waiting for the inspection to be done, and it turned out there was a minor problem that the seller likely could...

Assuming Seller Concessions On Loan Quotes

I recently received an email asking about a Good Faith Estimate on a $200k loan. The person asking my opinion attached the actual "estimate" to the email. In addition to a point of origination and a point of discount...

The Lender's Rule of Mortgage Payments

Every so often, someone who thinks they're a wit sends me a copy of The Rules For Relationships According To Women. Unlike those rules, which might have been funny around the time Nefertiti was a debutante, there are very few...

They Told Me Not To Make My Loan Payment

I've heard this story, in all of its variations, at least hundreds of times. Someone will send me an email and say "They told me not to make my loan payment because I was going to skip one. So...

What is the Best Investment Vehicle To Save For A Down Payment?

I just moved into a rental house with an option to buy. I figure I can probably save up around $40-45k for a down payment in three years. how should i save? The Roth IRA tax loophole for first...

There Is No Fairy Godmother for Loans

Really. I know that most people who read that title are replying "no kidding" but you would be amazed at how many people act like there is such a fairy godmother. I got an email yesterday that said, basically, "Help...

Reserves for Real Estate Loans

Thanks again for the terrific posts. I've learned more about mortgages in the past two months than I ever dreamed I might. I am looking to buy my first home soon, and have myself in a good credit position...

Mortgage Foreclosure and Taking of Other Assets

if our house is being foreclosed, can they take our retirement or make us sell our cars? we both have (1-2 year old) cars that are paid off. Can they take our cars or make us sell them to...

Seller's Failure to Disclose a Pending Assessment

I am about to close on a condo unit. At the last minute, we received the resale document from the management company. All units are being assessed a one time charge of $3000 due in full Nov. 1 for roof...

Cash Back From The Seller to the Buyer in Real Estate Sales

A while ago I dealt with a very disturbing phone call from a would be client. He was very happy with the way I found bargain properties, and wanted me to find him such a property. All very well and...

What if Your Partner Refuses to Pay Their Share of a Loan or Mortgage (or Won't Pay on Time)?

what happens if partner refuses to pay his half of the mortgage? The lender will hold you each responsible for payment in full. That's the long and the short of it. You both agreed to the loan contract, and...

Why the Real Estate Buyers Agent's Commission is Paid by the Seller

I have to admit I'm uncomfortable with it and don't like it. As a buyer's agent, here I am getting paid by someone who not only is not my client, but whose interests are aligned, in most issues, opposite to...

Low Equity (or Worse!) Relocations in a Buyer's Market

Hi, Dan! I just came across your website and you strike me as the type of guy who has answers for our situation: My husband and I built our home 2.5 years ago. We took out a second mortgage...

Loans with Stealth "Cash Out"

One of the things I hear a lot is that people are getting cash in their pocket from a refinance rate where there is no rebate. "I'm not paying any closing costs!" they proudly tell me, "The bank is putting...

Down Payment At Purchase or Wait Until Later To Pay The Mortgage Down?

Got a search engine hit for do I make a big down payment on a home or should make a lump sum payment after the mortgage It's hard to construct a scenario where using it as "purchase money" doesn't come...